Frequently Asked Questions

Joining the affiliate network
Setting up links
Tracking and Payment

Joining the Affiliate Network

What Does It Cost To Join?
Nothing. It is free to join the affiliate program.

What Is is the leading online games service targeting the rapidly expanding "family games" market —games that appeal to everyone. With its distribution partners, reaches almost 70% of the U.S. Web audience each month. Click here to see what all the fuss is about!

Why Should I Join?
As a affiliate, you can add entertainment value to your site and earn a commission for every qualified registration you refer. Becoming a affiliate is free and you'll make money with very little effort. will be supporting your registration efforts with promotions and sweepstakes.

How Does the Affiliate Program Work?
Our Tag Generator creates links and buttons to, which you then place on your Web site. You will receive $ .50 for every customer who comes through your site, registers as a new member, and plays two of the qualifying games. At the end of every quarter, we will send you a check for your total earnings if they total more than $25.00. If you haven't reached the $25.00 minimum yet, the amount will continue to accrue into the next quarter.

How Do I Sign Up?
First, read and accept our Affiliate Agreement, then complete our online application form. After we've reviewed your application, we'll contact you to let you know if you've been accepted as a Affiliate. Once you've been accepted we'll provide you with information on how to get started.

Is My Site Eligible To Become A Affiliate?
Anyone may submit an application and most sites will qualify to participate in the program. We do reserve the right, though, to refuse any site containing objectionable material, including pornography, explicit language or content, or support for violent or discriminatory groups, as defined in the Terms and Conditions.

What Are My Responsibilities As a Affiliate?
The only thing you're responsible for is using the Tag Generator on to create and place links on your site. We handle everything else. We'll provide you with the tools and support you need to maximize your commissions.

Setting Up Links

How Do I Create Links?
Our automatic Tag Generator on creates HTML that you can cut and paste into your web site. It's so easy to use that even beginners can create links in seconds. Just choose a graphic and click "make my code", then copy the code generated and paste it on your site. We'll update your choice of links and buttons as new promotions become available.

Where Should I Place the Links On My Site?
You should place links where they are easily seen every time a visitor comes to your site - high traffic areas like your homepage or your navigation bar. If you place the links in an easily accessible location on your site, your visitors will be more likely to click over and register on

Tracking and Payment

How Much Can I Earn?
You will be paid $ .50 for each new registered member who plays two of the qualifying games. How much you earn depends on how well you promote the links. Sky's the limit!

How Do I Know How Much Commission I've Earned?
You can check your account on 24 hours a day. Reports on click throughs and registrations are updated daily.

How Often Do I Get Paid?
45 days after the end of each quarter, will pay its affiliates for earnings through the end of the prior quarter. Commissions for affiliates who earn less than $25 in a quarter will accrue until they reach the $25 minimum.

How Will You Know that the Registrations Came From My Site?
All links from your site to our site contain a unique identifier so that every time a new member comes to us from your site, we know to credit you when that member has registered and played for at least two hours. This is only possible, though, when you create all of your links with the Tag Generator on